Central Valley Senior comes to the Central Coast for a senior session

I had the sweetest family reach out to me from the Central Valley wanting to come to the coast for their son's Senior Session at Montana de Oro. It's a place they love to visit so it was perfect for Chandler's Senior Session. He wanted to recreate a few photo from his youth of him standing on the rocks. The tide was high and there was a river of water after the king tides, but we were going to make that photo happen. I rolled up my pants to my knees and we walked slowly through the water. It was totally worth it!

I always encourage seniors to include special items in their senior sessions. Chandler plays the piano so he brought his keyboard along. That was such a fun shot to setup for and one of his mom's favorite moments as she's the one who taught him to play. Senior sessions really can include the whole family and be a memorable moment for everyone. What a special way to finish up your senior year of high school - a trip to the beach with your family supporting you and being your own personal hype team. Best of luck Chandler!

senior session at Montana de Oro
Central Valley senior comes to central coast for senior session by Felisha Connolly Photography
Montana de Oro senior session on the central coast for Central Valley high school senior
Central Valley high school senior comes to San Luis Obispo county for senior photo session
senior session on the central coast at Montana de Oro