The last ten days have been full of family sessions, editing, some headshots, more editing as well as prepping for more family sessions and an engagement session! I've had a constant smile on my face as I edit all these sessions, but especially this one. These two were full of giggles and silly faces and I loved it! With little ones under the age of five you never know what you're going to get, but I just embrace it. It's part of their little personality and current stage of life so why not capture it!

So to give you a little back story, Danielle and I met about 12 years ago on Facebook and we've been friends ever since. Totally kidding! Danielle and I are cousins and she's really more of a bonus sister. Besides spending all the holidays together at our rather large family gatherings, I spent a lot of time at her house after school. Her mama, my tia, use to watch my sister and I when we were younger. That means we had lots of cartoon watching, Barbie playing, losing at Super Mario Bros, outdoor playing time together. Yes, I said losing Super Mario Brothers. Poor Danielle and I got teamed up against by her brother and my sister. We sucked at video games.

Now we're all grown up with our own families so when I had the opportunity to photograph her family I couldn't pass up the chance! Danielle is seriously one of the kindest, sweetest and funniest people you'll ever meet. Three way FaceTime calls with her and my sister always leave my stomach hurting from all the cry laughs. Mostly I get ganged up on. My sister has the jokes and Danielle just laughs, which encourages my sister even more. It's been a lifetime of this.

Photographing her little ones brings back so many memories of our childhood. They definitely had me laughing. So many silly faces! Again, I just embrace it all. While this is totally a love note to Danielle (I love you cousin!), I can't forget to mention Adam. He's the other half that gets to take credit for these beautiful babies. He's a good man and a loving daddy. I couldn't have been more happy to capture this amazing family. Yes, I know I'm completely biased, but everyone who knows them feels the same way.

Thank you for allowing me to capture your beautiful family! I just love you all so, so very much!

Woodward Park Family Session
Woodward Park Family Session by Felisha Connolly
Fresno Family Portraits
Woodward Park Mini Session
Woodward Park Mini Session by Felisha Connolly Photography
Fresno Mini Session by Felisha Connolly
Woodward Park Family Photos
Family Photos by Felisha Connolly
Felisha Connolly Photography Family Session
Felisha Connolly Photography
Fresno Family Photographer Felisha Connolly
Woodward Park Family Photos
Woodward Park Family Session
Woodward Park Family Session by Felisha Connolly
Woodward Park Family Session by Felisha Connolly Photography
Woodward Park Mini Session
Felisha Connolly Photography at Woodward Park
Woodward Park Family Session