This First Holy Communion session at St. Joachim's church in Madera was pretty special for a couple of reasons. One, well because he's my godson. And two, because this is the church I grew up going to. I did my First Communion here as well as my Confirmation and now here we are several decades later and my godson is doing his First Holy Communion at the same church.

Can I just take a minute to brag on how handsome this sweet boy looks in his suit? A suit he wanted for this very special occasion and according to his mom wants to wear all the time. I know I may be a little biased (he is my godson after all), but I just love how he couldn't wait to get this suit on. And he totally rocked it!

Those smiles and giggles you see were made possible by my favorite 4'10" assistant. There were definitely silly dances and funny faces going on behind the scenes. She had him giggling and laughing the whole session. Kids in suits are the cutest!

First Communion at St. Joachim's in Madera, California
First Communion at St. Joachim's in Madera, California
First Communion at St. Joachim's in Madera, California
First Communion at St. Joachim's in Madera, California
First Communion at St. Joachim's in Madera, California
First Communion at St. Joachim's in Madera, California
First Communion at St. Joachim's in Madera, California