There’s nothing quite like spring along the Central Coast with all the fields of wild flowers, which just happen to make the most beautiful backdrop for portraits. Especially a session with the cutest trio of sisters! This little trio was so much fun. They came prepared with outfit changes ready to go! I’m not sure who was more excited about this session, me or them.

I’ve been pretty fortunate to photograph these sweet girls over the last few years. Their mama is one of my dearest friends and I always love when these cuties are in front of my camera. They are far from camera sky and the dynamic between them is just so fun. Let’s just say there were lots and lots of giggles.

This little field happens to be off to the side of the road and has some gorgeous hillside views. So many people have stopped to admire this field. The light during sunset is just stunning! The way the light fades behind the hills is beautiful. Goodness! I’m such a sucker for sunsets!

Back to these sisters and their giggles! None of them were camera shy. They were so ready for this session. When there’s multiple siblings, I always make sure to not only get group shots, but lots of individual photos. This really lets their personalities shine through. They each have their own moment in the spotlight and well when you have siblings that typically means there’s lots of sharing at home. So this really allows each girl to have her own moment. AND of course we had to get a couple with mom and dad. I mean they are the reason these three beautiful girls are here.

While Fall sessions tend to be the most popular (hello holiday cards!), Spring really is a gorgeous time for a session. This session already has be looking forward to next Spring!

Sibling spring session in field of flowers on the central coast by family photographer Felisha Connolly
Sisters is flowy floral dresses in a field in san luis obispo for spring photo session by felisha connolly
Sisters laughing and hugging each other during spring photo session in open field in san luis obispo by felisha connolly
floral dresses worn during spring session in field of wild flowers on the central coast by felisha connolly photography