Ever wonder how to make sure your team coordinates outfits for those updated website and headshot photos? Well, the ladies of Embodied Wisdom Counseling nailed it with their team photos. I was so excited to work with these ladies from the moment Karen first reached out to ask about team headshots. She had great energy and we clicked right away. Embodied Wisdom Counseling specializes in weight-inclusive, anti-diet psychotherapy practice offering trauma-informed care for those struggling with eating disorders, chronic dieting, the impacts of weight stigma, and body image concerns.

They needed new headshots for their website and social profiles. When we talked about potential locations, we wanted to take advantage of the weather so we opted to take the photos outdoors around downtown San Luis Obispo. To coordinate their outfits (but not be matchy-matchy) they each picked a color from the business logo. The colors they chose worked perfectly with the downtown locations. They wanted to photos to feel welcoming and warm and I think we accomplished just that. These ladies were so much fun to work with. I'm so thankful that I get to meet and work with such amazing people.